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Essays are separated into four types: exposition, argument, narration and description. Each essay type serves its own unique purpose. To better understand each essay type, see our academic essays examples and learn how to write a powerful essay by following an essay example from the extensive list of samples provided.
  • What Should the Future Education Look Like?
    Description: Education systems in the United States have faced a lot of transformations within the past nine centuries. Some of such changes have worked while others have not worked. They have always strived to create an effective education system that develops relevant competencies. Tienken, & Orlich (2013), make four proposals, such as localization, quality assessment, funding of education, and creation of an environment where there is equal distribution of wealth. Such strategies are useful for designing a proper education system suitable for the future needs of individuals and various states.
    5 pages | 1427 words | 1 sources | MLA | Education | Article Review |
  • Wu's post personally attacked me.
    Description: I fully agree with you, Asha, that Wu's post personally attacked me. Wu exposes how I often interweave my easy using ‘bullshit, flowery overgeneralization,' which can be replaced using a single thesaurus vocabulary. Most of my essays and term papers are written using redundant phrases, which Wu describes as bullshit. I have to noted that most of my essays have structural flaws due to utterly unnatural topic sentences. Like Asha, I feel that Wu is attacking my writing tactic when he says that misleading and irrelevant personal anecdotes do interfere with the structure and meaning of the text.
    1 pages | 320 words | 1 sources | MLA | Literature | Creative Writing |
  • Would it be cheating to say I felt personally attacked by Wu’s entire paper?
    Description: “...bullshit, flowery overgeneralization...”, was a heavy hitter, mostly because it’s applicable to both my writing and my general speaking habits. I am constantly doing this. “...contemplative question? Definitive refutation paraphrased from a blog found at 2 AM”, “Hence, statement violating every principle of syllogism followed by unnecessary semi-colon; forgettable punch line” and “Last sentence, which consumed approximately 95% of the total mental effort dedicated—still reads clunky” were also a gut punch.
    2 pages | 501 words | MLA | Linguistics | Creative Writing |
  • Leadership Self-Assessment and Reflection
    Description: Leadership is a cycle of failures and success. Most leaders learn from failures they commit throughout their leadership careers. In the beginning, amateur leaders usually get frustrated because they lack proper leadership skills. Later, they reflect on their leadership and notice a couple of flaws, which has always made them fail in managing tasks and people. As such, in this essay, I will reflect on my leadership Journey using Gibbs’s reflective cycle. At first, people tend to avoid leadership; however, when they are introduced to leadership through delegation of duties and mentorship, they learn by themselves and discover what works better and what does not work.
    6 pages | 1521 words | APA | Leadership Studies | Creative Writing |
  • Faith and Learning in the Christian World
    Description: According to Chase (2012), the Christian view of communication emphasizes the role of meaningful speaking accompanied by equally responsive listening. Chase brings the concept of Charis communication model where orators are entitled to communicate effectively with their audiences. The cooperation between the two is supposed to be mutual, whereby the orator persuasively delivers the right message while the listeners pay close attention. In Isocrates Charis and Athenian communication model, educators were paid to teach their students how to speak eloquently. The students would then charge their listeners for their message. It is against the Christian model of communication.
    1 pages | 296 words | 1 sources | APA | Religious Studies | Essay(Any Type) |
  • CAT and PET Imaging Methods
    Description: It is another scan that can be used alongside CT for treating cancer. It is an imaging technology whereby the doctor diagnoses an exact place where the cancer cells or infection is located. It scans the organs and tissues in the body to identify the right place for biopsy, cancer treatment progress, and plan for radiotherapy (Cancer. Net Editorial Board, 2018). Unlike the CAT scan, which shows images of tissues and organs within the body, a PET scan can show abnormal activities with tissues. In most cases, CT and PET are used together to provide a detailed diagnosis.
    5 pages | 1388 words | 3 sources | APA | Healthcare | Term Paper |
  • Conflict Management; Leadership Styles Lesson Plan Showing Proper Alignment of Objectives, Learning Activities, and Assessment
    Description: Alignment of Objectives, Learning Activities, and Assessment Conflict management skills in leadership are taught in many schools all over the world, including the United States of America. They are essential skills in the career and the social life of every individual. Thus, they are embedded in the curriculum of many schools in the US across various levels of the education system. As such, a lesson built on conflict management skills and leadership for K-12 and higher education students shows an excellent example of the existence of alignment between the learning activities, assessment, and the objectives involved in good teaching-learning.
    4 pages | 1040 words | 2 sources | APA | Education | Coursework |
  • Uniqlo’s Market in America and Europe
    Description: I agree that Uniqlo is the world's third-largest fashion company after H&M and Zara. Unfortunately, it has not been able to thrive in the US market successfully. It remains unpopular among many shoppers in the country. Gustafson (2017), noted that although its prices and designs are similar to that of Zara and H&M, the company has not been able to market its products successfully to customers in America. In an attempt to solve this issue, the company can target customers in the suburbs of the US. Also, it can focus on social media advertisements to reach more customers.
    1 pages | 422 words | 4 sources | MLA | Marketing | Coursework |
  • Impact of South Korean Culture on My Nursing Practice
    Description: Clinical practices in most regions across the world are affected by the culture and beliefs of the community where they are working. Also, personal philosophies and self-concepts significantly impact the way nurses behave or carry out their work. My beliefs and culture are based on Buddhism and Confucianism philosophies. Such ideologies have contributed to the development of Korean traditional healthcare practices (Hanbang). It comprises of the public health, family nursing, geriatric nursing, and primary nursing (Kang, Hwang, & Choi, 2019). Hanbang nursing focuses on promoting quality healthcare and prevention of diseases at all levels.
    2 pages | 690 words | 6 sources | APA | Nursing | Essay(Any Type) |
  • Dancehall Music and Jamaican Culture
    Description: Jamaica is a world-famous country due to its unique culture of reggae music, which is deeply rooted in the African American traditions, which have been accumulated over time from the slavery period. Jamaican music has led to the spread of Rastafarian culture all over the world. Reggae music is known for its role in prominent themes in love unity, politics, racial discrimination, and discrimination. Reggae roots, calypso, and dub are the first forms of island music. However, Jamaican culture influence and globalization led to the development of dancehall music, which is a different version of reggae (Niaah, 2004). Dancehall music features quick and explosive beats accompanied by equally sharp vocals.
    4 pages | 1011 words | 5 sources | APA | Art(Fine Arts, Performing Arts) | Research Paper |
  • Future Big Telescope: James Webb Space Telescope
    Description: After Hubble Observatory, James Webb Space Telescope is the next big thing that has been introduced by NASA for explicit space exploration. The telescope has been fully assembled. It is the next space observatory telescope, which will be launched in 2021 March to orbit around the solar system (Amos, 2019). Successful assembling of James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) can be attributed to the commitment of thousands of individuals who have been planning and designing the JWST for the last two decades. Significant stakeholders in the development of JWST include Northrop Grumman, the Canadian Space Agency, the European Space Agency, Academic and Industrial partners affiliated to NASA (Wall, 2019). The telescope uses sophisticated infrared cameras and mirrors capable of viewing objects within and outside the solar system.
    2 pages | 662 words | 4 sources | APA | Astronomy(and other space sciences) | Creative Writing |
  • Deming-Based Lean Six Sigma Management
    Description: After reading the article by Gitlow & Gitlow, (2013), compares Deming-based lean six sigma management and the objective oriented management in an attempt to solve the problem of increasing hospital bills in a majority of urban hospitals. The traditional management is based on Deming process variation, which works better when focused on the right direction. It is good because it produces more revenue than the target costs. However, the process is harmful if it does not focus on the desired direction. Such would bring less income and more target costs. The critics argue that such notions are not valid since such processes are not effective when it comes to reducing high hospital bills. The second approach used in decreasing operational costs is the management by objectives. It operates on improving the performance of healthcare officials as a strategy to increase revenue and lower costs.
    2 pages | 458 words | 3 sources | APA | Management | Term Paper |
  • Discussion Posts on Deming-Based Lean Six Sigma Management
    Description: After reading the article by Gitlow & Gitlow, (2013), compares Deming-based lean six sigma management and the objective oriented management in an attempt to solve the problem of increasing hospital bills in a majority of urban hospitals. Likewise, De Lama et al (2013), argues that Demi-based lean six sigma tools can be used to improve internal processes in a hospital. Gitlow & Gitlow (2013) show that, the traditional management is based on Deming process variation, which works better when focused on the right direction. It is good because it produces more revenue than the target costs. However, the process is harmful if it does not focus on the desired direction. Such would bring less income and more target costs.
    2 pages | 512 words | 3 sources | APA | Management | Article Review |
  • Robatelli’s Pizzeria Data Breach Risks
    Description: In recent years, hackers have been stealing information from a company's database then they use it to withdraw the money from the company bank account, customers account, or sell the data to competitors. The main objective of this case study is to find out how Robatteli’s Pizzeria can effectively use Information Technology management strategies to safeguard the company and customer data from getting into unauthorized hands. It enhances the effective and efficient operation of the business enterprise due to data protection. The key areas where IT is used include the safeguarding and protection of tangible and intangible properties, controlling sales and purchases. Therefore, IT is an asset that controls and monitors other assets and resources in a business. It is recommendable that the management team should ensure that the Information Technology System is well managed to boost the company’s performance (Van Grembergen, 2004). Rotelli's Pizzeria should adopt better use of Information Technology to assess and avoid possible risks in the present and future related to a data breach.
    8 pages | 2024 words | 5 sources | APA | IT, Web | Case Study |
  • Effects of Macroeconomic Environment on Apple Inc. Company’s Economic Activity
    Description: Apple Inc. is an international technology company that deals with designing, developing and selling of online services, computer Software and consumer electronics (Yoffie & Rossano, 2012). The company’s main office is in United States of America in a city called Cupertino based in California. The company was started by Ronald Wayne, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in April 1976 aiming to developing and selling Apple I personal computer a product by Steve Wozniak. After 4 years, in 1980 the company went public and achieved its instant success.
    10 pages | 3174 words | 14 sources | APA | Economics | Case Study |
  • Hospice Care for Patients With Advanced Cancer Illnesses
    Description: Hospice care is a type of treatment that aims at reducing pain for terminally ill patients who are waiting to die due to illness. Terminally ill patients may choose on their own or by a family caregiver to remain at home to be managed there or choose to be admitted to the hospice facility. A proper consultation with the registered nurse is however important for proper guidance on what needs to be done. This paper has reviewed the definitions of the hospice care, the environmental factors that cause the development of cancer, care for the terminally ill (advanced cancer patients), the specific intervention that is required to improve the relationships between the family caregivers and the patients as well as the support the family requires when caring for their terminally ill family member. The challenges faced by the family, spouses, or partners of the terminally ill patient have been covered and to some extent also the ways those problems can be dealt with. This paper will help you to understand terminally ill patients' care requirements and the challenges it is associated with.
    10 pages | 2984 words | 12 sources | APA | Nursing | Term Paper |
  • The study of framework for improving the crowd management in Hajj 2030
    Description: It is known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is the largest oil exporter country in the world, and it has the primary role in shaping the price of oil worldwide (Aljarboua, 2009). Moreover, Saudi Arabia is the homeland of the world’s second-largest religion, where Saudi Arabia has two essential cities for all Muslims in the world where the population estimate about 1.9 billion Muslims in the global(Pew Research Center,2019). Makkah is the capital city of Islam because it has the Masjid al-Haram, or the Holy Ground Mosque, where there is Al Kaaba(a sizeable cubical building built by Abraham (Al-i-Imraan, Quran the Holy book of Islam).Makkah is the focal point toward(Qibla) AL Kaaba for all Muslims around the world who are required to perform daily prayers. The reason why most of the Muslim people travel to Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage is to go to Makkah. It is also the place where Prophet Muhammad was born. Furthermore, another holy site in Islam is the Masjid an- Nabawi in Medina city, where pilgrimage has to attend during the month of Hajj, where they can visit the grave of Prophet Muhammad(Halabi, 2006).
    45 pages | 16111 words | 50 sources | APA | Management | Research Proposal |
  • Reflection Practice Webography
    Description: Before enrolling for a teaching profession, knowing and understanding young children made me feel as it is a very challenging experience since children’s level of understanding is minimal. I was never exposed to elements that focus on the knowledge and understanding of the characteristics and needs of young children from birth to the 8th birthday. I had also not been exposed to elements that reflect on the knowledge and understanding of multiple influences on the learning and development of children as well as the elements of developmental knowledge for creating a supportive, respectful, healthy, and learning environment that challenges young children. I always believed that those who teach children new skills or learning, especially those below 5 years’ experience many challenges and sometimes have no success to celebrate. There are multiple inter-related areas I had to consider to understand and know more about child development. These include aesthetic, language, emotional, social, cognitive, and physical domains; learning processes, activity, and play; and motivations for learning (NAEYC, 2009).
    3 pages | 959 words | 2 sources | APA | Accounting | Research Paper |
  • Annotated Webography for Cognitive Development
    Description: Learning involves testing hypotheses based on probabilities. Children acquire knowledge through observation, play, and explicit classroom collaborations. Comprehensive analysis of a child’s cognitive development creates a strong foundation for learning. Moreover, the recent advancement in children's cognitive development provides support for organized ideologies in early childhood education for successful educational outcomes. Accordingly, analyzing Webography for children's cognitive development enhances their development and learning. The outcome will be achieved by understanding children’s characteristics and needs, and factors impacting on their early development and learning. Also, the paper will critically analyze developmental knowledge for creating an adequate learning environment for young people.
    15 pages | 3945 words | 15 sources | APA | IT, Web | Annotated Bibliography |
  • Mental Health Supported Housing Project for Midlands Healthcare Ltd
    Description: Resources are very important when it comes to effectiveness of the company employees, management and the general company growth. Absence of or insufficient resources within a company slows growth of the company and may make some employees become demotivated due to lack of good salaries, time to rest, being overworked and also lack of team work and support from the management (Pynes and Lombardi, 2011). It is important that a company find ways to secure resources to run the company. Resources are used to fund and allocate tasks to the company projects and employees respectively (Osberghaus and Reif, 2010). The company should plan on the available resources, identify sources of resources such as the government institution and understand the requirement for accessing those resources.
    15 pages | 3919 words | 28 sources | Harvard | Nursing | Case Study |
  • Issues in Bioterrorism
    Description: The 2001 anthrax attack that left 5 people dead and 17 others injured became one of the largest and most complex investigations by the FBI in the law enforcement history. The attack highly remained an accusation game from FBI as two major suspects (Steven Hatfill, a bioweapon expert and Bruce Edwards Ivins, a researcher in a states’ biodefense lab) were interrogated without really having enough evidence for their persecution (Liu, Moayeri & Leppla, 2014). The issue affected Bruce Edwards Ivins to a level of committing suicide by overdosing on Paracetamol months after he was put under FBI surveillance. This means he became the sixth person to die as a result of being linked to knowing the bioweapon as referred by the FBI though he was not ill from the disease.
    11 pages | 3300 words | 14 sources | APA | Criminal Justice | Term Paper |
  • Diversity in Workplaces
    Description: A typical structure of a corporation will consist of three subgroups in its board of management. They include the directors, the shareholders. Shareholders must invest and look for their investment return; the directors are to oversee the corporation’s daily affairs while protecting the interest of the shareholders. On the other hand, the officers are to carry out day to day company operations. The corporation's top-ranking officers are the Board of directors and are identified in the company’s by-laws or article of incorporation (Harvey & Allard, 2009). The main responsibility of directors is to direct the company’s affairs and the direction it should take (Noboa Velasco, 2019). They are legally entitled to manage all the employee's affairs, officers' affairs, and subsidiaries' and agents' actions.
    7 pages | 1918 words | 12 sources | APA | Human Resource Management | Research Paper |
  • Modification of the New Toyota Corolla into a Sustainable Consumer Product
    Description: Whether a company is developing a new product or modifying the existing one, an understanding of consumer behaviour patterns is paramount. The patterns will help in the interpretation of consumer data and converting them into useful insight to predict customers’ choices in the future (Takeuchi, 2009). The collection and analysis of consumer data help marketers with knowledge of where they should focus their time and effort to give an extraordinary experience to their customers (Zeng, Dasgupta and Weinberg, 2013). This paper investigates and evaluates consumer behaviour patterns and uses those insights to predict their future choices to purchase the New Generation Toyota Corolla depending on their preferences.
    7 pages | 2042 words | 23 sources | Harvard | Marketing | Case Study |
  • How a Corporate Leader Influences the Practice of Good Governance and Social Responsibility in a Company (A case study of Coca-Cola Company)
    Description: Good governance refers to the means applied to measure how companies represent themselves in public and how they manage public resources as accepted. It is also, the sustainability in the use of the natural resources and safeguarding of the environment (Jones & Comfort, 2018). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business self-regulating model aimed at making a company socially acceptable and accountable to the public, to itself, and its stakeholders. The practice of CSR helps the company to assess its impacts on people's social lives, their economic status, and their environment. This paper recognizes the roles of a corporate leader in the practices of CSR and good governance within the organization.
    6 pages | 1817 words | 15 sources | APA | Leadership Studies | Case Study |
  • Empowering and Disempowering Mental Models
    Description: A mental model is a tool that explains in what manner something works. It is a worldview, a framework, or a concept that one carries around in their mind (Gentner & Stevens, 2014). Mental Model enables us to understand the relationship between things and interpreting the world around us. Mental Models are used to help us to form our behaviors and perceptions. They are beliefs held about in what manner the universe works (Gary & Wood, 2011). They can be understood as the tools of thinking applied to make decisions, solve problems, and understand life (Gentner & Stevens, 2014). Mental models are not perfect but are useful in making us see the world differently. This paper recognizes finances as an area in my life that is not working as I want. It identifies some of the disempowering and empowering mental models that I have in my finances.
    5 pages | 1584 words | 12 sources | APA | Psychology | Term Paper |